
Parents often become concerned over the type and frequency of stools their child has. Normally a baby will have one stool every three to four days but up to six or seven stools in a single day is not unusual. Bottle fed babies have usually have fewer stools than breast fed babies.

The appearance of the stools will vary from loose, mushy, watery stools to firm, toothpaste consistency stools and may have mucous mixed throughout. The color will vary from mustard yellow to dark brown with an occasional green stool (especially if they receive iron fortified formula). Breast fed stools will be loose and more frequent. One accurate description of a breast fed stool is “Kayro syrup with a little cottage cheese mixed in.”

Stools are normally passed spontaneously with little sign of distress. Grunting, straining and redness in the face, is not cause for concern. However, prolonged crying may indicate difficulties. Never use cathartics, laxatives, enemas or suppositories without consulting us. In most instances dietary manipulation is all that is necessary to resolve any issues. (See section on Feeding).

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